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Pop Culture

Do you geek out over sci-fi and fantasy movies, TV, and games? Explore the pop culture galaxy, from streaming recommendations to tabletop gaming guides and more.

Researchers Created a Working Star Trek Holodeck for Mice

The use of an altered reality brings new understanding to scientists.  

Science Fiction Has Won the War

Best-selling author Greg Bear on the genre’s new ‘golden age.'

10 Female SF/F Authors and the Stories Behind Their Pen Names

Do you know the true identities of the authors penning your favorite science fiction and fantasy novels? 

Grand Master Brian W. Aldiss Passes Away at 92

Remembering the exceptional science fiction author.

9 Freaky Predictions from Dystopian Novels That Have Come True

These nine novels made unsettlingly accurate predictions about our modern world.

Alien Abduction Movies, Ranked from Most to Least Horrifying

From the horrifying to the hilarious, these close encounters will thrill fans of the extraterrestrial.

4 Alleged Mothman Sightings That Preceded Disasters

Is the Mothman a monster bent on wreaking destruction? Or a supernatural force sent to warn of impending danger?

Free Ebook: Download the Dystopian Classic The Sleeper Awakes by H.G. Wells

All Graham wanted to do was get some rest. But while he was sleeping, the world changed forever.

The Patterns Around Octavia Butler

Over a decade after her death, a new fan anthology reveals how Butler's work continues to connect people and communities.

The Results Are In: 2017 Hugo Award Winners

Women swept almost every category at the ceremony held during Worldcon 75.

Cat Names for Your Nerdy Feline

Searching for the right name for a new furry friend? Allow us to be of assistance.

7 Mysterious Alien Encounters Before Roswell

Strange phenomena in the night sky are nothing new.

Octavia Butler's Dawn to Be Adapted for TV

Ava DuVernay, director of the upcoming "A Wrinkle in Time" adaptation, is at the helm of the project.

8 Great Quotes from Sci-Fi Master Clifford D. Simak

The award-winning author certainly left his mark on the science fiction and fantasy community.