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Pop Culture

Do you geek out over sci-fi and fantasy movies, TV, and games? Explore the pop culture galaxy, from streaming recommendations to tabletop gaming guides and more.

Where Would You Go During an Apocalyptic Plague? 

In Michael Stark’s dark fantasy novel "The Island", William Hill retreats to his favorite spot to await death.

It's Only a Matter of Time: Time Travel in Fiction and Real Life

Time travel is more than just a far-fetched possibility—it's already a reality, in real life and in fiction.

Never Let Me Go Author Kazuo Ishiguro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature

The British writer beat out 194 other candidates for the prestigious prize.

Get Out-of-This-World Reads in an Incredible Humble Bundle

Support a worthy cause — and get a great deal — with the adventures in sci-fi Humble Bundle.

The Role of Science in Fantasy Worlds 

Author Ginn Hale explains just how closely related real-life science and fantasy fiction actually are.

Rise of the Iliri: Fantasy That Examines the Painful Truth of Being an Outsider 

Author Auryn Hadley explores prejudices that exist even in fantasy worlds in her series.

First Trailer for Annihilation Promises to Blow Our Minds

The adaptation of Jeff Vandermeer's sci-fi horror novel looks just as chilling and thought-provoking as its source material.

Shocking Depictions of the Future from Sci-Fi and Fantasy

From dystopian fantasy worlds to apocalyptic science fiction, sometimes books give us a very disturbing look at a possible future.

Without George R.R. Martin, Is Game of Thrones Still Great?

Season 7 gave viewers all the reunions, action, and catharsis we wanted. But sometimes, what we want is not what a show needs.

Legendary Author Joe Haldeman Shares the Story Behind The Forever War

Although considered a classic today, "The Forever War" was at first deemed unpublishable—partially because it dared to include female characters.

The Voyager Golden Record: Humanity's Message to the Stars

In 1976, NASA and a crack team led by Carl Sagan had a message for aliens — and the people of Earth.

The Undelightened: Fantasy Told From the Dark Side

Fantasy books tend to focus on the light side of magic in the fight between good and evil…but what about the dark side?

Philip José Farmer's Books Are More Relevant Than Ever

Thirty years after it first came out, Philip José Farmer's "Dayworld" continues to resonate with modern readers.