Explore the sci-fi and fantasy universe with The Portalist.
Caution: These stories might deter you from making any intergalactic travel plans.
By Jena Brown
The stakes are bigger and the the battles more epic in these science fiction stories.
By Jena Brown
Sometimes the spaceship really is bigger on the inside.
Discover this chilling tale from a Grand Master of Science Fiction and other great sci-fi thrillers.
Extraterrestrial life is calling, whether you’re ready to pick up or not.
Explore the sci-fi Grand Master’s legendary tales.
The novelization of a famous Marvel comic adds a new dimension to the multiverse.
Enjoy the cool vacuum of space with the warmth of a poolside view.
These 10 books can help turn sci-fi/fantasy skeptics into devoted fans.
Men make up the majority of extraterrestrial explorers so far, but these pioneering women have carved out a space of their own.
Stellar stories that boldly go where no human has gone before.
By Jena Brown
Mathematician Katherine Johnson passed away February 24th, 2020 at 101 years old.
Take a break from playing Mass Effect with these fifteen similar sci-fi books.
From sci-fi epics to incredible documentaries, these movies are out of this world.
By Aliza Polkes
Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin explores the dark side of the Moon in this raw tale of depression and the complexities of celebrity.
By Carolyn Cox
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing with these revealing nonfiction reads about exploring the final frontier.
NASA veteran Hugh Harris examines the Challenger disaster that occurred on January 28, 1986, and what we’ve learned from it.
By Hugh Harris
The final installment of the two-part Moonbase Saga sees the leaders of a lunar colony fight for the nanotechnology they need to survive.
By Olivia Mason
In Timothy Zahn's Blackcollar series, a Resistance fighter teams up with space ninjas to defeat alien tyrants.
By Olivia Mason
They might look like buckets of bolts, but these ships are so much more than just modes of transport.
By Chris Mahon