Fantasy Book Series Stories

The fantasy genre features many book series that span multiple volumes and brim with complex worldbuilding. Fantasy fans have learned to be patient as they wait for the next book in ongoing fantasy sagas such as George R.R. Martin’s a Song of Ice and Fire series, or Patrick Rothfuss’ The Kingkiller Chronicle. Thankfully, completed fantasy series such as J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings or The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson can provide readers with the closure they’re looking for. 

Whether you prefer classic fantasy subgenres such as epic fantasy, urban fantasy, and high fantasy, or are drawn instead to low fantasy worlds, hard fantasy, and grimdark, The Portalist has a fantasy book series to recommend to you. 

But perhaps you’re interested in not only reading fantasy series, but writing them. You’re in luck, bard: from tips on devising a magic system to learning from the fantasy series of greats like Terry Pratchett and Ursula K. Le Guin, we’ve got the fantasy writing advice to rule them all.

Consort with warriors, fae, witches, dragons, unicorns, and more magical beings with these immersive fantasy tales. 


Sarah J. Maas Says These 7 Books Are Perfect for Fans of Crescent City

House of Flame and Shadow, the third book of the bestselling Crescent City series, hit bookshelves on January 30.

7 Magical Versions of London in Fantasy Novels

There’s something magical about London, and these books bring the city to life.

Watch Patrick Rothfuss Read the Prologue of The Doors of Stone

The bestselling author read the prologue of the third Kingkiller Chronicle entry on his Twitch stream.

12 Stellar Fantasy Books Like His Dark Materials

If you love Pullman's fantastical universe from The Golden Compass to The Book of Dust, then these recommendations are for you.

5 Books That Helped Me Write My Post-Apocalyptic Cozy Novel

War Bunny is an award-winning novel perfect for animal lovers of all ages.

Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros Brings More Dragons, More War, and More Romance

How does the second book of The Empyrean stack up to the phenomenon that is Fourth Wing?

8 Completed Romantasy Series You Can Binge Right Now

If you don't have the patience to wait around for sequels, try these completed romantasy series.

The Dragons of Deepwood Fen Kicks Off an Exciting New Epic Fantasy Series

Fans of Guy Gavriel Kay, Robert Jordan, and, well, dragons will love the newest novel from Bradley P. Bealieu.

[CLOSED] Enter for Your Chance to Win The Desert Magician's Duology by Nnedi Okorafor

Five winners will receive Nnedi Okorafor's Shadow Speaker and Like Thunder.

10 Must-Read Contemporary Fantasy Books

Contemporary fantasy is where magic meets modernity.

A Beginner's Guide to Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn

Here's everything you need to know about the planet Scadrial, from Allomancy to Twinborns and more.

Gritty Fantasy Books for Fans of The Blade Itself

If you love Joe Abercrombie's work, you're sure to appreciate some of these books, which are full of black humor and compelling characters.

Sagas to Keep You Satisfied Until The Winds of Winter

Craving more feuding families, bloodshed, and, of course, dragons? Let these books tide you over.

What We Want to See From the Percy Jackson Series on Disney+

Will the upcoming Disney+ series be the version fans deserve?

Epic Fantasy Series to Read When You've Finished The Wheel of Time

Whether you're a fan of Robert Jordan's classic novels or the Amazon adaptation, this reading list will keep you busy and entertained.

A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows and 8 More Must-Read Adult Fantasy Romances

Looking for a more mature romantasy? Try more great titles like Holly Renee's A Kingdom of Stars and Shadows.

A Beginner's Guide to Fourth Wing and The Empyrean by Rebecca Yarros

The second entry of the romantasy phenomenon by Rebecca Yarros published November 7.

Read Chapter 1 of Seanan McGuire's The Innocent Sleep

The 18th installment of the October Daye series hits bookshelves today. You can read the first chapter for free on The Portalist.

Read The Claires by C. L. Gaber

Looking for something witchy this Halloween season? Try this paranormal tale of death and rebirth by Ascenders author C. L. Gaber.

Our Favorite Gods in Fantasy

These 12 compelling characters offer a closer look at what it means to be a deity.