Classic Sci Fi Books Stories

Explore the sci-fi and fantasy universe with The Portalist.


8 Short SFF Books You'll Devour in a Day

Science fiction and fantasy books don't have to be long to make an impression. 

6 Challenging Novels Only Real SFF Fans Will Love

Most readers either love or hate these complex, high-concept novels of science fiction and fantasy.

11 Sci-Fi Mysteries Like Leviathan Wakes

Is there anything better than unraveling a mystery inside an epic setting with characters you can’t help but love? We don’t think so. 

10 Great Books for New Sci-Fi/Fantasy Readers

These 10 books can help turn sci-fi/fantasy skeptics into devoted fans.

6 Kurt Vonnegut Classics That Define Speculative Fiction

Vonnegut's works might be literary marvels, but they also helped to shape science fiction as we know it.

The Creepiest Monsters and Villains From Classic Sci-Fi and Fantasy Short Stories

These bloodcurdling monsters and villains have made a huge impact on pop culture and the sci-fi/fantasy genre.

7 Affecting Walter Tevis Books 

The late author used stories about aliens to explore humanity.

10 Frankenstein Movies That Will Give You Life

These cinematic classics focus on Frankenstein and his undead monster. 

5 Golden Age of Science Fiction Female Authors

These writers prove that the Golden Age wasn't just defined by men. 

15 Must-Read Books by SFWA Damon Knight Grand Masters

These books are truly the best of the best.

Listen to the First Episode of Octavia's Parables, a New Podcast Dedicated to Octavia Butler

Parables launches June 22nd and is hosted by Toshi Reagon and Adrienne Maree Brown.