In 2009, author Timothy Good received the sort of letter any alien expert would die for. Its writer, a former Royal Air Force (RAF) airman named Thomas, promised to shed light on the Roswell UFO incident—the 1947 balloon crash in Roswell, New Mexico, which is believed by some to actually have been an alien spaceship. But Thomas had more than trickled-down information about the incident: He claimed to have a first-person account of a top-secret military operation.
Thomas was eighteen when he enlisted in the RAF as an airman. After completing his training, he was assigned to to Weston Zoyland, located in Somerset, England. Previously, the base had been jointly shared between the RAF and the U.S. Air Force, in addition to serving as secret quarters for Britain’s Special Operations Executive. But according to Thomas, the facilities of Weston Zoyland would leave an even more impressive legacy: It would allegedly become the temporary home of two out-of-this-world visitors.
Along with a group of other airmen, Thomas says he was introduced to to “Code Orange.” Beholden to the Official Secrets Act, none of its participants—who were all chosen for their high grades and flight acumen—could speak of it with outsiders. Hence, says Thomas, his silence for over half a century.
The basics of "Code Orange," as Timothy Good relays in Earth: An Alien Enterprise, were this: Two extraterrestrials survived the Roswell UFO incident and were kept by the U.S. military. Unhappy in the heat of New Mexico, the aliens struck up a bargain: If they were transferred to a more hospitable environment, they would resume communication with their human captors.
Now installed at Weston Zoyland, Thomas claims the military hoped the aliens would reveal the purpose of their visit, details about their species, and more. And Thomas, appointed leader of the project, allegedly had a front row seat to the action.
Do you want to believe? Read on for an excerpt from Earth: An Alien Enterprise.
Not of This Earth
Some days later, an RAF “V” bomber—either a Valiant, Victor, or Vulcan, capable of delivering nuclear weapons but in this operation delivering two aliens—landed at Weston Zoyland with a two-fighter-jet escort. Thomas told me he was fairly certain that the bomber was a Vulcan. The team was told to remain in their office and await further orders. A few hours later, they were summoned, two by two, to meet the alleged aliens, now ensconced in a specially constructed glass container in the hangar at Weston Zoyland.
Thomas and his colleague Alan were first. “Emotions welled up in me that I feel to this day,” Thomas admitted.
“Two thin little people lay side by side. They were gray-colored and their heads seemed rather large for their bodies and were oval, or egg-shaped, with the large end at the top, a large cranium leading down to a small chin, and their eyes were large, limpid, and dark with no iris visible. Just dark, lustrous pools, wide open, rather like those of seals, I thought. There were nostril holes but no nose projecting from the face, and I could see a small mouth beneath. There were no visible projecting ears as we have.
“Sinewy arms stretched alongside their bodies and the legs looked skinny. They were very still. Unreal, I thought. … I looked at their hands. Four long fingers similar to us. But no thumbs. And four-toed feet.
“Just beneath the small chin of the body nearest to me a pulse was beating, and looking at the other being I could see the same. … I was actually looking at two people from somewhere else. Not of this Earth! I glanced across at the officer and met his eyes. He smiled and nodded, as if to say ‘yes, this is real—they are alive.’”
Shaking, Thomas made for a chair and sat down, followed by Alan. They didn’t feel it was appropriate to stare at the aliens too much. “They look so dignified,” said Alan. One appeared slightly shorter than the other. They seemed frail, though Thomas sensed a latent strength about them.

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Half an hour later, all of the team having seen the beings and returned to the office, the officer/instructor declared that he didn’t know which sex the aliens were. He thought they wore a membranous covering, but added that the Americans hadn’t been very forthcoming with their information. He suggested that the team gave names to the aliens if they wanted, but that officially they were referred to by their American captors as “G32” and “G33.” Thomas speculates that the numbers might relate to the 32nd and 33rd aliens recovered by the U.S. military. The team elected to call them simply “G” and “L.” (Much later, it was determined that G was male, L female.)
Thomas remains amazed at the aliens’ ability to convey a sense of humor, or sadness, for example, without such feelings manifesting facially. As time went by, it became possible to “feel” their thoughts, and it was always clear what they meant. “They did speak audibly on occasions—not that it helped. The problem in our inability to converse by voice was that their language contained no vowels,” he explained; “thus, if they spoke to us we would hear a series of unintelligible sounds not unlike the chattering of small animals.” (However, the airmen later learned from their duty officer that although official communications from G and L did not involve actual spoken words, the Americans confirmed that they do have voices—presumably capable of communicating in English and other languages.)
Thomas and the others liked the aliens from the outset and grew to care for them deeply over the approximately twenty-month period involved.
One lovely summer’s day, Thomas and Alan were sitting beside “the Grays” (as they apparently were referred to occasionally by the military, even at that time), surveying the countryside through the large window of their enclosure. “What is worrying you both?” “said” the aliens. “Is this not the kind of day when you should feel all is well?” The men were indeed worried—about the aliens. “Thanks to you airmen, we are doing well and recovering,” the Grays responded. “You need not worry about us.”
When communicating, G and L would put one hand on their chest, to convey who was “speaking.” Then began a discourse, warning of Earth’s future overpopulation, the poisoning of its environment, and so on. “We know your instructions are to inform your seniors of all we say. Do so. We will be telling them all we have told you when they pay their regular visits. …”
Like other alien groups, they confirmed Man’s extraterrestrial genetic links.
“The majority of flora and fauna on this planet have evolved over millions of years. Humans were one of those that were genetically manipulated and thus you are related to another species as a planned experiment by beings from another world. Our presence here is of right, and we have visited before this time, many times. Our present role is to observe others who are here, to see that they are not destructive and to give you some of our technology in order that you will survive—if you have earned the right to survival as we judge it. That was the core of our message to Earth people and part of the reason for our arrival in your time of 1947, though we reneged upon that in that July month, and here two of us remain—at least for a little longer.”
At this juncture, G reached out and clasped hands with L. “I felt there was significance in the comment ‘at least for a little longer,’ linked with the hand clasp,” writes Thomas. “The two aliens had been held captive for at least eight years. Not much of an existence for people who know how to travel light years’ distance, and had somehow done so to reach Earth.”
The Code Orange team were never present when the aliens took their meals. Although some thin tubes were present in their glass enclosure, their purpose was indeterminable. Waste matter, perhaps? Eventually, G and L, having picked up the men’s bewilderment, communicated some details. “You have been wondering if we feed, and how we do so. We know your seniors have not told you. Knowledge is important to all life. ...
“We feed on blood, and water. Yes, I can feel your reaction, but our race does not digest solids. … Both liquids are available on this planet and we partake of small amounts of each in order to survive. We also breathe your air, though it is clearer in some regions of your planet than others. Your seniors obtain enough food for our needs and provide us with it in your absence.”
Our presence here is of right, and we have visited before this time, many times.
Thomas told me he recalls that the blood—presumably from slaughtered animals—was obtained from a local farm. In an interesting letter to a magazine, written in 2001, he made some apposite references to the consumption of blood—without, of course, citing his own experience. “Over the years, certain peoples have been vilified by modern attitudes against the terrors of blood sacrifices,” he wrote. “However, if genetically modified humans, ruled by their makers up to a time when they, our makers, leave the planet [and] have had at times to ‘entertain’ and consort with said makers, then they would have to provide the necessary correct food. …
“What if there was, or is, a race of beings which have evolved to feed on blood? As simple as that. It may appal some of us, even possibly most of us, yet we are talking alien creatures here. A race apart. Light years apart. Evolving on a planet or planets away from and not far from this Earth. … So along comes a race of beings which lives on blood from animals rather than the meat. And when they arrive as ‘gods’ or powerful beings, we in due deference feed them with what they require.”
In this context, G and L related how their people had influenced the Inca, Aztec, and Maya cultures.
For nutrition on their own planet, G and L indicated that they also consumed other liquids of varying thicknesses, from water through to heavy soups, plus a variety of what we would term “wines” made from fruits and vegetables growing on their own planet.
The Path to Doom
Four hundred Earth years was the average life span for these aliens (as with certain other species). G and L were adamant that all answers to our future and all the lessons of history had been written down for us to learn from and live by. “Each major culture and each primitive culture had its standards,” explained Thomas, “but the move from a basic, primitive life to a life where selfish motives, however noble we tried to make them seem, prevailed, could and would lead to disaster and the final extinction of the human race.” Our Christian Bible, supposedly, was the full account of ourselves, “the written path of homo sapiens.”
...the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, and certain others, was a part of the ‘Path to Doom’ for the human race.
There may well be many truths passed down in the Bible—as in many other religious documents—as I have remarked on later. But I find it puzzling that the aliens failed at least to acknowledge some of the inconsistencies in various translations of the Bible over the centuries. Exactly how much of it is factual? Thomas’s team had no axe to grind in this regard. By their own admission, they were neither atheists nor “practicing Christians in the recognized manner,” as Thomas puts it. However, G and L did indicate that we were a world of too many religions, and would suffer for being so. “They said the core of our numerous religions and creeds was a good and right way forward, but eventually humans would sacrifice their beliefs in a selfish manner, and our leaders would lazily accept this. …
“I remember how G placed his hand upon his chest and ‘said’ the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, and certain others, was a part of the ‘Path to Doom’ for the human race. He said items stolen from them at that time would show us how to live well and prosper greatly in a way that no human need ever go hungry or thirsty, and all human problems could be solved using their technology before the century we called the twentieth ended. But, he added, those in power will not wish it; rather would they have what they see as greater power.”
The aliens acknowledged the existence of Jesus, furthermore indicating that the so-called “Second Coming” was already in force.
Want to keep reading? Download Earth: An Alien Enterprise by Timothy Good today!
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Featured photo: Cover of Encounter in the Desert, by Randle Kevin