Fantasy Books Stories

Whether you prefer epic fantasy series or standalone fantasy, there’s nothing like getting lost in the pages of a fantasy book. But where to begin with all the treasures of the fantasy genre? Fantasy is a vast realm, and there can be distinct differences between low fantasy, urban fantasy, sword and sorcery, grimdark, and the myriad other subgenres

Thankfully, The Portalist offers a map to help you on your quest. We recommend classic fantasy, award-winning titles, underrated works, and the bibliography of icons like Neil Gaiman, Ursula K. Le Guin, Terry Pratchett, and other greats. And from exploring beloved characters to landmark quotes, we go deep on foundational series such as George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series and Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. 

If you’re interested in writing fantasy—in addition to reading it!—explore The Portalist’s writing advice on how to perfect the magic system in your work in progress, honing worldbuilding, and surprising yourself through your own fiction. 

Regardless of what you want from your fantasy quest, we’re excited to help you achieve your destiny. Grab your sword, your sidekick, and a bit of Chosen One panache, and embark on your fantasy quest today.


10 Female SF/F Authors and the Stories Behind Their Pen Names

Do you know the true identities of the authors penning your favorite science fiction and fantasy novels? 

The Results Are In: 2017 Hugo Award Winners

Women swept almost every category at the ceremony held during Worldcon 75.

Cat Names for Your Nerdy Feline

Searching for the right name for a new furry friend? Allow us to be of assistance.

10 Books on Tyrion Lannister's Reading List

"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone."

A Wrinkle in Time Trailer is a Visual Feast

Watch the first trailer for the upcoming adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s time travel classic.

8 Unforgettable Fantasy Books Featuring Heroic Women Changing the World

You don’t necessarily need superpowers like Wonder Woman to be a hero—although, the Lasso of Truth can't hurt.

The Reluctant Hero and the Un-Chosen One: How to Subvert Tropes to Save the World

Fantasy author Sarah Beth Durst on embracing what you love when it comes to writing.

The Untold Story of Captain Hook

There’s more than one side to every tale…

Grenfell Tower Victim Nur Huda el-Wahabi to Be Honored in New Philip Pullman Trilogy

The "His Dark Materials'' author raised over £30,000 in an auction for relief efforts, and will name a character in "The Book of Dust" after 16-year-old el-Wahabi.

10 Fantasy Drinking Establishments We Want to Patronize

♫ Sometimes you want to go, where everybody is a mage. ♫

[CLOSED] The Portalist's HUGE Summer Reading Giveaway!

We're giving away 20 exciting sci-fi and fantasy books to kick off the new season.

Listen to an Audio Excerpt from Alan Dean Foster's The Deavys

Someone has stolen the truth—and these siblings will stop at nothing to get it back.

Grand Master Jane Yolen on Why It's Important to Just 'Write the Damn Book'

The newly-minted Grand Master discusses her prolific career in science fiction and fantasy.