Explore the sci-fi and fantasy universe with The Portalist.
An intimate look at the late literary icon.
By Carolyn Cox
In Joanna Russ' Nebula Award-winning book, an alliance between four women raises questions about gender roles and identity.
By Olivia Mason
The genre-defying bestselling author explains why she's drawn to fantasy, romance, horror—and everything in-between.
By Carolyn Cox
For over fifty years, the award-winning author has been using fairy tales and real history to create compelling fantasies.
By G.G. Andrew
The accomplished author reflects on dystopia, gender, and the eternal possibility of giraffes.
By Aliza Polkes
Know your Offred from your Ofglen? Eyes from your Angels? This free Ebook will get you up to speed for Season 2.
Possessing hope and a strange ability, Lauren is thrust into an unknown world with a seemingly impossible goal.
The author explored both light and heavy subject matter—covering everything from contemporary adolescence to dystopian worlds and the Holocaust.
"I wrote what I wanted to read, which was sensible, intelligent girl swordfighters."
By Carolyn Cox
Journey back to your childhood, and discover how your perceptions of "A Wrinkle in Time" might have changed from then to now.
On the anniversary of her death, we look back on the extraordinary life of a remarkable writer.
By Carolyn Cox
Or "How I Fell in Love with Faeries—and Why You Will Too."
By Olivia Mason
"The New York Times" reports that the landmark author of "The Left Hand of Darkness" and the "Earthsea" novels has died.
By Carolyn Cox
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
By Carolyn Cox
In this excerpt, iconic author Ursula K. Le Guin envisions a plane of existence where no one dreams alone.
"Renegades" tells the story of humans with extraordinary powers and the villains who seek to destroy them.
The latest preview for the adaptation of Madeleine L'Engle's classic story doesn't disappoint.
By Carolyn Cox
The librettist, composer, and music director of the Parable of the Sower opera shares her thoughts on Octavia E. Butler's legacy and the potential of theater to activate change.
By Carolyn Cox
One of Octavia E. Butler's editors shares how a new opera highlights the prescience and beauty of the late author's dystopian masterpiece.
Double the X chromosomes, double the badassery.
By Olivia Mason