Sci Fi Movies Stories

From the release of the first-ever sci-fi movie, Georges Méliès’ A Trip to the Moon, science fiction on the silver screen has awed audiences with its exploration of space and potential futures. 

Other early classic movies such as Metropolis, 1954’s Godzilla, and Creature from the Black Lagoon still resonate with viewers today. They paved the way for Kubrick’s groundbreaking 1968 2001: A Space Odyssey, and even iconic entries like the original Star Wars trilogy. 

With the commercial success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the new Star Wars films, the Matrix movies, and various other revived IPs in recent years, science fiction movies have become more mainstream. Sci-fi is no longer the realm of just ‘geeks,’ and this has led to a boom in content that can be overwhelming.

The Portalist is here to separate the stellar from the sub-par. From hard sci-fi films to cult hits and dystopian movies, we suggest the best sci-fi films to stream on Hulu, Amazon, Netflix, Disney Plus, and other streaming services.

We bring the recommendations, you bring the popcorn. 


Which Dune Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Do the stars say you're the Emperor of the Known Universe, or a manipulative schemer who orchestrates destruction?

9 Cult Sci-Fi Movies True Geeks Will Love

Do the time warp again with these weird and wonderful films. 

Warner Bros. 2021 Movies Will Head Straight to Streaming on HBO Max

Dune, Matrix 4, and other releases will be available both online and in theaters.

The Best Sci-Fi TV and Movies on Disney Plus to Stream Today

Quit getting lost in the backlog, and start watching extraordinary sci-fi. 

What Year Does Star Wars Take Place? A Geek Investigation

We explored ancient Jedi texts to answer an age-old Star Wars question.

9 Dystopian Movies That Take You on a Wild Ride to the Future

Take the engine with these gripping films about sci-fi societies and ruined worlds.

10 Heart-Pounding Movies Like A Quiet Place to Stream While You Wait for the Sequel

A Quiet Place II is delayed by quarantine, but you can stream these movies right now.

22 of the Best Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix to Stream Right Now

These out-of-this-world sci-fi films are waiting for you to stream this month.

13 Incredibly Entertaining Movies Based on Video Games

Most movies based on video games are downright bad, but that doesn't mean they're not entertaining.

Time to Watch: Ten of the Best Cyberpunk Movies Ever Made

These thrilling cyberpunk films are more human than human.

12 Totally Riveting Steampunk Movies You Need to Watch

Put aside your blunderbuss, adjust your goggles, and immerse yourself in these unique stories.