Because sometimes, truth is scarier than fiction.
Learn the strange secrets of the ISS—a symbol of global unity and the power of science.
While visiting the Petit Trianon in 1901, two scholarly women came face to face with visions they could not explain.
Next time you’re gazing at the sky, keep your eyes peeled for something strange…you never know what you might see.
You only need to step into nature to find thousands of bizarre life forms.
Here's a reminder of how wonderful, wacky, and sometimes gross the world can be.
During the grueling Great Northern Expedition, naturalist Georg Wilhem Steller came face-to-face with one of the sea's most mysterious creatures. Or did he?
In 1892, Mercy Brown died of consumption. But townspeople had a more sinister explanation for her death.
The two most famous goat-like cryptids cause havoc in their respective American hometowns.
Fangs, fins, and feathers: We wish these fantasy creatures were fact and not fiction.
This lonely ranch in Utah is haunted by ghostly voices, strange sightings, and UFO encounters.
These gorgeous lands look straight out of a mystical, mythical world.
Trees are complex lifeforms with behavior strangely similar to our own human displays of seduction, vengeance, and compassion.