
Carolyn Cox

Carolyn Cox has been writing professionally about books for over half a decade. Previously she was an editor at geek feminist website The Mary Sue, where she covered movies,TV, fandom, books, and all corners of the pop culture ‘verse. She now writes about sci-fi and fantasy for The Portalist, and praises her favorite ‘ships on romance site A Love So True. Carolyn’s byline has also appeared on Geekosystem and Revelist. Whether she’s writing about groundbreaking science fiction authors or captivating historical romance, Carolyn is passionate about the power of genre fiction. When not writing she performs in nerdy media in New York City. 


How to Survive the End of the World

How to Survive the End of the World

Step one: Don't panic. Step two? Eat bugs.

The 5 Most Bat-Ass Batman Movies Ever

The 5 Most Bat-Ass Batman Movies Ever

These are the Batmen we deserve.

Interview: Space Historian Glen Swanson Talks the Apollo Program

Interview: Space Historian Glen Swanson Talks the Apollo Program

"There’s a lot to be told from their perspective, and I don’t know if that ever will happen. There might be stories they’ll just be taking with them to their graves."

Interview: Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire Face Their Fears in “A.D.: After Death”

Interview: Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire Face Their Fears in “A.D.: After Death”

Like most of us humans, Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire are pretty afraid of death.

The 6 Best Alien Movies Like Arrival

Here are six of the best alien movies out there that take a fresh, intelligent look at what might happen when aliens finally visit our corner of the galaxy.

Geek TV’s Stars and Writers Share the Books That Inspire Them

Geek TV’s Stars and Writers Share the Books That Inspire Them

Ever wonder how Lucy Lawless prepares for her roles? Look no further than your bookshelf.

Petrus Gonsalvus: The Real-Life “Beauty and the Beast”

Petrus Gonsalvus: The Real-Life “Beauty and the Beast”

The story-behind-a-story begins in mid-15th-century France with "wildman" Petrus Gonsalvus and his beautiful wife Catherine.

Showing 261-268 of 268 results