Have you always wanted to fly the Millennium Falcon? Or run a space station? You don't have to go to a galaxy far, far away to transform those geek dreams from imagination to reality.
From May 25-27 2018, our partners at Escape Velocity will host an inspiring gathering of scientists, authors, science educators, futurists, designers, and other passionate nerds at the Marriott Gaylord convention center in Washington DC's National Harbor.

Highlights of this year's Escape Velocity include appearances by Eon author Greg Bear, The Walking Dead's Greg Nicotero, and a chance to sit in the cockpit of the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs—the Millennium Falcon! (You don't even need to win it in a game of Sabacc first.)
And right now, when you use the discount code PORTALIST20, you get 20% off tickets!