[CLOSED] Enter to Win the Must-Have Book for Orphan Black Fans

Clone Club, assemble!

Orphan Black Classified Clone Reports

Now that Orphan Black is officially over, are you already missing your seestras? Damn right! Luckily, Harper Design and The Portalist are giving away copies of Orphan Black Classified Clone Reports, the definitive guide to the beloved BBC America show. 

Created in the style of Dr. Delphine Cormier's research, Orphan Black Classified Clone Reports contains in-depth dossiers on each memorable character, and takes a detailed look at seasons one through five of the groundbreaking, female-driven sci-fi series.

Enter for your chance to win Orphan Black Classified Clone Reports by submitting your email address here. 

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Read on to learn more about Orphan Black Classified Clone Reports!

From the secret files of Dr. Delphine Cormier, comes this ultimate guide to all of the characters, conspiracies, and shadowy organizations in the smart, innovative BBC America television thriller Orphan Black.

Designed to resemble the classified files and notes of Dr. Delphine Cormier, this in-world compendium chronicles the inner workings of the mysterious people and organizations at the heart of the acclaimed hit television series Orphan Black. A detailed and creative look at the thrilling international hit series, Orphan Black Classified Clone Report includes detailed dossiers of Sarah Manning, Felix Dawkins, and all of the show’s beloved characters; examines every twist and turn from season one to the present; provides exclusive information on the Dyad Institute, the Neolution clone program, and the notorious Proletheans; and features observations of the different clones from their monitors, classified intelligence, breakthroughs in Cosima’s research, and private journal entries chronicling Delphine’s experience with the clone club and her own complicated love for Cosima.

Packed with exclusive concept art, photos, and intriguing removable inserts and ephemera, Orphan Black Classified Clone Report is an immersive reading experience and essential companion for fans of Orphan Black.

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