In 2008, a novel depicting humanity’s struggle against a terrifying demon horde debuted as one of Amazon UK’s top ten Science Fiction and Fantasy books of the year. Peter V. Brett's The Warded Man was also on the longlist nominations for the first David Gemmell Awards for Fantasy. Since then, The Demon Cycle has enjoyed international success. The series began publication in the U.S. the following year and has now been translated into almost two dozen languages, selling more than 3.5 million copies worldwide.
Here’s everything you need to know about The Demon Cycle.
What is The Demon Cycle?
Set in a once advanced civilization that has been ravished into the Dark Ages, The Demon Cycle follows a set of humans desperate to save humanity. The reason for civilization’s fall? Demons. These creatures, known as Corelings, have various supernatural abilities that allow them to emerge from the Earth’s core every night and feed on the humans they manage to catch. But out of darkness, heroes rise and threaten to disrupt the iron grip of terror the demons have held for longer than anyone can remember.
It's an epic saga that spans multiple civilizations and their struggles against the demon threat. Adding political intrigue to the mix, there are two souls who could be the prophesized savior, only they’re at odds with each other, dividing humanity as opposed to uniting them.
Over the course of five novels and four novellas, The Demon Cycle explores the rise and fall of each hero and how they must eventually overcome the darkness of their own hearts if they want to not only survive, but defeat the demons that plague the Earth.
Who Is Peter V. Brett?
Despite loving fantasy from a young age, Peter V. Brett began his writing career in the pharmaceutical publication field after studying English Literature and Art History at the State University of New York at Buffalo. During his daily commute on the subway, he wrote the book that would eventually become The Warded Man, the first in the internationally bestselling series, The Demon Cycle.
The Demon Cycle Books In Order
Even though there are five main novels in the series, Brett has officially included the novellas and short stories collections as part of the reading journey. Here is the entire Demon Cycle series in order.

The Warded Man: Book One of The Demon Cycle
When the sun sets, the Corelings rise. These demons hate humanity and every night, they terrorize humanity, culling the populations as the magical wards that protect them fade in power as belief in their creation wanes. But three young survivors want to do more than simply exist. They dare to believe they can restore the wards by rediscovering the secrets of the past. It’s daring and impossible, but together, they step into the darkness and face the night.

Brayan's Gold: A Demon Cycle Novella
The first novella to appear chronologically within the series is not actually the first novella Brett wrote. However, Brayan's Gold is the one you should read immediately following The Warded Man. The story follows Arlen on his first run as an apprentice.
It’s a harrowing journey that introduces two characters who make appearances later in the series.

The Great Bazaar: A Demon Cycle Novella
Though it appears third in the series, The Great Bazaar was actually Brett’s first novella. It follows Arlen on a Messenger run and provides a more in-depth look at the conflict between Arlen and Jadir.

The Desert Spear: Book Two of The Demon Cycle
The second novel takes on a new POV. Ahmann Jardir rides out of the desert after honing the tribes into a demon-killing army. He claims he’s Shar’Dama Ka, the Deliverer, and has an ancient spear and crown to support his claim.
The people of the North have their own Deliverer. Arlen Bales is their Warded Man. But before they were rivals, Jardir and Arlen were friends. As the two face off, a new demon appears, one more intelligent and deadly than any they’ve encountered before.

The Daylight War: Book Three of The Demon Cycle
Two men claim to be the Deliverer. That marks them both for death in demon eyes. Arlen Bales never claimed to be the Deliverer, but the more he denies it, the more fiercely his followers believe.
Ahmann Jardir is proud to proclaim himself the Deliverer, even if he did not come to power on his own. Arlen and Jardir began as friends only to end as enemies. The only men capable of defeating the demons are instead locked in a bitter rivalry.
As the demons grow in power, both Deliverers remain divided by the darkness lurking in their very human hearts.

Messenger's Legacy: A Demon Cycle Novella
The Daylight War was a dark novel with a startling end. That’s why Brett recommends reading Messenger’s Legacy next. The tone is lighter, introducing another new character, Briar Damaj, whose story weaves together several characters from previous novellas and novels, building a foundation for future events.

The Skull Throne: Book Four of The Demon Cycle
Ahmann Jardir was meant to stand on the Skull Throne of Krasia to conquer humanity and defeat the demons for good. But Arlen Bales didn’t believe this was the true path to redemption and challenged him to a duel. When Arlen cast them both off the precipice, the throne was left empty and the world without a savior.
As factions rise to fill the void of power left behind, the demons sense their chance to finally defeat mankind. The penultimate novel of the series ends with another breathtaking finale, setting the stage for the final book where all the characters appear once more in the final fight for humanity’s future.

The Core: Book Five of The Demon Cycle
For as long as anyone can remember, humanity has been tormented by bloodthirsty demons, intent on wiping mankind from existence. Only two men have stood in the way, Arlen Bales and Ahmann Jardir. But their methods and rivalry have created something no one anticipated: a Swarm.
Their only hope to defeat the Swarm is to work together to force a demon prince to lead them to the Core, where they can finally face the Mother Demon. It’s a desperate quest to the darkest of places, and none of those who go expect to make it back alive.

There were so many threads to tie up in The Core, and Barren dives into one of the last unresolved threads: Arlen’s hometown of Tibbot’s Brook. While Arlen and Jardir travel to the darkness, the people have to band together when a mind demon tries to tear them apart.
Is The Demon Cycle A Complete Series?
With five novels and four novellas, The Demon Cycle is considered complete. Most of the open storylines were resolved in The Core, with the last neatly address with the final novella, The Barren. While many of the novellas only add deeper character development and can be read separately or out of order, the author himself recommends the order we’ve included in this piece.
However, Brett has continued writing books set within the world of the Demon Cycle. His new series, The Nightfall Saga, follows a new generation of heroes facing the aftermath of the demon’s defeat. But that doesn’t mean the world is safe. The characters' challenges are only just beginning.
The first two books are out now, with more to come in the future, including several standalone novels and several novellas.