Patrick Rothfuss Announces New Kingkiller Novella, The Narrow Road Between Desires

Patrick Rothfuss's new novella, The Narrow Road Between Desires, will feature Bast and have similarities to The Slow Regard of Silent Things.

The Narrow Road Between Desires by Patrick Rothfuss

Bestselling author Patrick Rothfuss announced his new novella, The Narrow Road Between Desires, in a way that fans of the Kingkiller Chronicle will likely find familiar. Where his breakthrough novel, The Name of the Wind, began with a prologue called "A Silence of Three Parts", this news came in a blog post entitled "An  announcement in Three Parts". Let's go part by part to see the essential information about The Narrow Road Between Desires.

What to Know About The Narrow Road Between Desires

Part 1 of Rothfuss's announcement details the basic facts about the story: That it will be set in the world of Temerant and follow Bast. That it will be a novella, and that it will be illustrated by Nate Taylor. 

Part 2 expands on the challenges Rothfuss has experienced in communicating with his readers. He, better than anyone, understands how eagerly fans await the third installment in his Kingkiller Chronicle, The Doors of Stone. Rothfuss then explains it was important for him to announce this new book first, because he understands that readers have been misled by other sources before. He promises, as he has before, that his blog will continue to be the best source of information for new projects.

Lastly, Part 3 gets into the nitty gritty of publishing the book. Rothfuss thanks his publisher, DAW, and his editor, Betsy Wollheim, for keeping the news of the book secret until the announcement. He then admits that while the book still needs a few finishing touches (like cover art), he expects it to be published on November 14th, 2023. 

The story will expound on the short story "The Lightning Tree", which previously appeared in the Rogues anthology, edited by George R. R. Martin. He even includes some back-of-the-book marketing copy, detailing the basic nature of the story. If you'd like to read the copy or check out  the full post on Rothfuss's blog, you can do so here

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